Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Runaway Gurney (A true event, not an urban legend!)

Claim: An elderly patient met his demise when the gurney he was strapped to rolled away with him.

Status: True.

Origins: The following 1991 news story appeared long after the legend was in circulation. It's a case of ostention, or an urban legend's coming true:
A 76-year-old man died after the ambulance stretcher he was strapped to rolled down a grade and overturned, the Allegheny County coroner's office said. Edward Juchniewicz of Canonsburg was being transported from a nursing home to a doctor's office for an appointment. The ambulance attendants left the stretcher in the parking lot at the doctor's office and went to talk with the doctor's staff, authorities said. The cot rolled away and turned over, injuring the man in the head, the coroner's office said.

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