Monday, April 30, 2007

10 things we didn't know last week

Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.

1. Boris Yeltsin lost a thumb and index finger on his left hand while playing with a hand grenade as a child.

2. Runner's World, Wilfred Owen poetry and Uncle Tom's Cabin are restricted in Guantanamo Bay, lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith says.

3. Neighbours is the most watched daytime telly show other than the BBC's One o'clock news.
More details

4. Scouting for Boys by Lord Baden-Powell is the fourth bestselling book of the 20th Century, after the Bible, the Koran and Mao's Little Red Book.

5. We each get a completely new skeleton every 10 years, because of cell renewal.

6. Smoking will be banned in police interview rooms in England when the new law takes effect, although it is not banned in Scotland. More details

7. Kryptonite exists. More details

8. Nearly half of all cases handled by top divorce lawyers last year involved a private detective to check on alleged infidelity.

9. £26m of pennies have been lost on UK streets since 1971.

10. North Korea is the least visited country in the world – only 1,800 Westerners make the trip each year.

Sources: 1 - the Daily Telegraph, 24 April; 2 - the Guardian, 21 April; 4 - the Observer, 22 April; 5 - The Human Footprint, Channel 4; 8 - the Times, 23 April; 9 - the Metro, 23 April

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Skippy in his blue doggy shirt

Some pictures of Skippy, taken during one lazy afternoon at Penney Avenue, Mt Roskill, Auckland.
You click on the picture to get a larger view.

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