We have booked and paid for the family's holiday. It is a bit scary to pay such an amount via online payment over the airline's website and this is the first time we did it. Usually we are used to visit our travel agent and let them handle the booking and make payemnt at their office.
The airline sent an email to confirm the booking, travel details, passenger info within hours after payment being made online. All we have to do is print out that email, bring it to the Auckland Airport before checking in to get the boarding pass. We will be away for about five weeks from New Zealand for the vacation.
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This link is located at http://list-your-site.com/
As of the writing of this post, my blog has 16,925 visitors.
Now it is winter in Auckland, New Zealand. The weather is not as cold as last week (it was freezing below zero and heavy fog).
Three pictures of Eastridge Shopping Centre, Mission Bay, Aukland, New Zealand. Took these picture only balmy winter morning. Click on the picture for a larger view. (Note: 16,895 visited this blog at the posting).
These are the first few pictures I took of Skippy, our darling little pet at home with digital SLR camera. It was a cold winter morning and the temperature was hovering around four degree celcious I am not quite use to handle digital SLR camera now and hope my skills will improve with time. Please click on the picture for larger view.