4 reasons why regular checkups are so important The rising cost of healthcare combined with busy work schedules means that many people are putting regular checkups on the back burner. But the hard truth of the matter is that regular doctors' visits can mean the difference between life and death. It is essential that you have regular medical, eye and dental checkups if you want to live a long and healthy life. Doctors are able to spot issues early on as well as offer practical advice on healthy living. Not convinced? Read on for information on some of the many ways doctors' visits are so important.
1. Prevention is better than cure
Regular checkups will provide doctors with a way to spot any health issues early on. Checkups incorporate several tests, including preventative screenings and physical examinations, to check patients' current health and risks. If any problems are found, your doctor will provide information on treatment plans and ways that you can prevent health issues in the future. Popular health checks include: Cervical smear tests (Pap tests) for women Blood pressure tests Cholesterol level checks Body mass index (BMI) and obesity tests Diabetes checks If you have any more specific health concerns, then your doctor will be able to advise you on these and conduct the proper checks. While doctors' checks will help pot any issues early on, you can follow a few steps to support a healthy lifestyle and to complete a number of health checks at home. It has been said that women should regularly check their breasts for lumps, while both men and women should study the skin for changes in moles or freckles. In addition, you should have a nutritious and balanced diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight range. If you notice anything unusual, schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.
2. Cut healthcare costs
For many, the thought of a large doctor's bill is enough to put off scheduling a checkup. However, there are several ways that you can find great savings on health care. Checkups could also save you plenty of money in the long run as they help to minimize the risk of potential health issues that will lower the risks for surgery or more extensive medical care in the future. Discount coupons will let you save on checkups and other medical or health expenses in places in your area of town. Also, check with your insurance company or your employer if and how they help to cover medical and health costs.
3. Dental care
As well as appointments with a doctor, you should also schedule checkups at the dentist. It can be a tricky task knowing how often you should visit the dentist. According to The Journal of Dental Research, the amount of times you visit the dentist depends on your level of risk for periodontal disease. While many say that visits should be made every six months, those with dental problems may need to have their teeth checked more regularly. Good oral health plays an important role in the overall health of your body. After all, inflammatory gum disease can lead to tooth loss, while bacteria buildup in the mouth has been said to put you at increased risk of heart disease, according to WebMD. In addition to having regular appointments with the dentist, you should maintain a good oral care regime that includes frequent brushing and flossing.
4. Eye care
While doctors are able to provide some information about eye issues, it is important for people of all ages to schedule vision and eye care tests. Optometrists and eye doctors can check for glaucoma and provide vision reports and possible glasses or contact lens prescriptions, should you need them. People between 50 and 65 should have eye checks at least every two years, while those over the age of 65 should have a test every year. People with increased risk of having eye issues should talk to their eye doctor to see how often they should visit. You can lower your chances of developing health issues in the future by maintaining a healthy diet; exercising regularly; having a good oral health routine; and booking regular medical, dental and eye checkups. This post is sponsored by:Dr Mobiles Limited 1, Huron Street, Takapuna, Auckland 0622Toll: 0800 429 429 and Mob: (021) 264-0000Web - Map - Email - Posterous - Twitter - Blogger - Flickr - Auhtor - Google+
Synopsis: A list of recommended health and medical checks that should be performed by men at various age groups. Author: Ian Langtree - Contact: Disabled World Quote: "A Fecal Occult Blood Test should also be done yearly as blood in the stool can be an early indication of colorectal cancer." A list of recommended health and medical checks that should be performed by men at various age groups. Quote: "A Fecal Occult Blood Test should also be done yearly as blood in the stool can be an early indication of colorectal cancer." A list of recommended health and medical checks that should be performed by men at various age groups. Regular health check-ups are important for men. Even in the absence of symptoms, many physicians recommend routine, yearly doctor visits and physicals for males of all ages. Men have always seemed reluctant to pay a visit to the doctor, however getting a regular physical exam, or check up, is a sure way to prevent health problems before they develop into serious health issues. Physicians integrate the information you provide from your symptoms, past health problems, physical examination and testing to detect disease or a risk of disease. If you feel well and have a normal exam, it's likely you are healthy. Unfortunately, many conditions can escape detection even with the best medical care. Which exams and screenings you need depends on your age, health and family history, and lifestyle choices such as what you eat, how active you are, and whether you smoke. You can get some screenings, such as blood pressure readings, in your doctor's office. Others such as colonoscopy, a test for colorectal cancer, need special equipment, so you may need to go to a different office. Executive medical check ups usually require you to stay in hospital overnight. Tests will be conducted on your entire body to make sure that there are no problems and that you are healthy. Before your examination your doctor may advise you not to eat anything solid for about 24 hours so that certain tests can be performed. The tests will include x-rays of certain areas in your body, urinalysis, stool sample, blood sample and a lot more. During the tests, the doctor may ask you some questions. If you have any concerns or are experiencing something out of the ordinary, you can tell your doctor so that certain tests can be conducted. Certain medical medicines may be prescribed if you have any ailments. Blood Pressure Check Up: Your health care provider will perform a physical exam and check your blood pressure. Your blood pressure should be checked during every visit to your doctor. Checking it at your yearly checkup will set a baseline. Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure. If you have heart or kidney problems, or if you had a stroke, your doctor may want your blood pressure to be even lower than that of people who do not have these conditions. You are more likely to be told your blood pressure is too high as you get older. This is because your blood vessels become stiffer as you age. When that happens, your blood pressure goes up. High blood pressure increases your chance of having a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, and early death. Cholesterol Level Test: With today's diet and lifestyle your regular doctor check up should include a cholesterol level test. If your cholesterol is found to be high there are steps you can take to improve their cholesterol levels, and help prevent heart disease and heart attack. The medical term for high blood cholesterol and triglycerides is lipid disorder. Such a disorder occurs when you have too many fatty substances in your blood. These substances include cholesterol and triglycerides. Prostate Check: Starting at age 50, males should have a digital exam of their prostate. The physician uses a gloved finger in the rectum to determine if there is any enlargement of the prostate. Enlargement could indicate benign enlargement or even cancer. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a blood test that can be helpful in detecting prostate cancer. There is some controversy, however, about the value of the PSA test and whether is should be done routinely for men over a certain age. Ask your health care provider whether he/she recommends a PSA in your specific situation. Colon and Rectum Exam: Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon or rectum. Colonoscopy and screening tests can find precancerous polyps, so that they can be removed before they turn into cancer. Screening tests can also find colorectal cancer early, when treatment works best. A Fecal Occult Blood Test should also be done yearly as blood in the stool can be an early indication of colorectal cancer. In addition if you are under 40, your doctor will give you a testicular exam. He may also probably ask you to turn your head and cough while he holds onto your testicles to check if you have a hernia. Overweight or Obesity: In addition to seeing the health care provider regularly, you should try to maintain your weight at a comfortable, health level and do frequent physical activity or get regular exercise. The best way to learn if you are overweight or obese is to find your body mass index (BMI). You can find your BMI by entering your height and weight into a BMI calculator. A BMI between 18.5 and 25 indicates a normal weight. Persons with a BMI of 30 or higher may be obese. Eye Check Up: It is important for men to have eye exams on a regular basis to check for certain problems. Your eye test may take from half an hour to an hour. It will evaluate both your vision and the health of your eyes. Regular eye exams are critical for detecting conditions such as: Glaucoma, Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Cataracts, and Diabetic retinopathy. When you attend your eye test, take your glasses and/or contact lenses, if you use them, and sunglasses for the trip home as your pupils may be dilated. Dental Examination: A dental examination, also called an intra-oral examination, includes an inspection of your teeth and surrounding tissues of the oral cavity including; all surfaces of the tongue, the salivary glands and ducts, and the lymph nodes of the neck. Regular dental examinations (ideally every 6 months) are very important and help you to maintain a healthy mouth. The process allows the dentist to check for early signs of dental problems, such as decay or gum diseases like periodontal disease. A complete dental exam should also consist of a complete series of x-rays. Recommended Male Health Check Ups by Age: Check Up for Males 20 and Younger: Full dental check up every 6 months. Eye examination every 2 years. Yearly if you currently have eyesight problems. Blood pressure should be checked every 2 1 - 2 years (once a year 20 and older). Complete physical examination including; quantitative blood check, urine test, cholesterol and stool test. 20 to 50 Years of Age: Dental examination every 6 months or as recommended by your dentist. Eye check up every 2 years - Yearly if you currently have eyesight problems. Do a regular complete physical examination every 3 years or as recommended by your doctor. Blood pressure check every 2 1 - 2 years or once a year if you are at a risk of high blood pressure problems. Have a cholesterol check and repeat the test every 3 years or as recommended by your healthcare provider. Have a colon and rectal exam once a year after you reach the age of 40, (Those at risk of colon conditions should have an occult blood test yearly or go for sigmoidoscopy every 3 to 5 years. If at risk of prostate cancer you should have the screening every year after 45 years). Health Check for Males Aged 50 and Older: Blood pressure should be checked yearly. Dental check every 6 months or as recommended by your dentist. Have a cholesterol blood test every 3 to 5 years if it is normal or as recommended by your doctor. A check up of the colon should be performed every 3 to 5 years as well as a check for prostate specific antigen once a year. Have a regular physical examination every 1 to 2 years up to the age of 65. If you have diabetes or hypertension or are at risk of either, you should have the regular eye check at least every year.