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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The man who was so upset about his wife status changing, that had a bike incident and got into coma
The £5million soccer player who got dumped by his wife on Facebook
Footballer Michael Chopra split with his wife of seven months after she dumped him on Facebook.
One imageHeather Swan, 24, let her husband know their marriage was over by changing her status to single on the social networking site. The former couple are now locked in a bitter war of words and the Sunderland striker, who earns £30,000-a-week, has updated his own page with the words: ‘Heather will have a new number tomorrow, ha ha,' after cancelling her mobile phone contract. Their wedding at Orchardleigh House, a luxury hotel in Somerset cost £250,000. I guess money and fame doesn't free you from being dumped on the Internet.
The Married man who drove 400 miles to meet a Facebook woman... only to discover it was a hoax set up by rival football fans
A married Manchester United supporter drove 400 miles for what he thought was going to be an affair with a woman he had chatted to on the internet - only to discover it was a hoax set up by two Liverpool fans he had met on holidays. Stuart Slann, 39, from Sheffield, made the trip to a remote farm in Scotland to meet a woman he had been flirting with online for weeks. But when he arrived at the house 'Emma' was nowhere to be seen. Three hours later the pranksters called him and confessed it was all a trick. They taped the conversation and put it onto video-sharing website YouTube and Facebook accompanied by an embarrassing photo.
Mr Slann's wife, Louise, 32, then discovered that he had intended to have an affair and ended their marriage. He had met the two unnamed Liverpudlians during a holiday in Cancun, Mexico. The three spent the time arguing about their teams who are bitter North-West rivals.
On one occasion, Mr Slann was thrown into a pool. When the Liverpool fans returned to the UK they came up with the plan to humiliate him by setting up a false Facebook account pretending to be a Scottish woman called Emma. He'd been chatting to this girl on Facebook for about a month or so. On the night she asked him to go to Scotland he was on the road for about nine hours. And then when he got to this remote farm she sent him a text to say she was still in work. Not only had he driven for nine hours, but he had to wait for about another three and a half hours for her to finish work.
The woman who killed her ex husband's avatar after he divorced her... virtually
A man divorced his online wife's avatar in "Maple Story", a Korean virtual world similar to "Second Life", and she, in her resulting anger, killed his character. The 43-year-old Japanese piano teacher's sudden divorce from her online husband in a virtual game world made her so angry that she logged on and killed his digital persona. The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married, and killed the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his beloved online avatar was dead. The guy was so broken up about his dead character he called the police and had the woman arrested. She was charged with illegal access onto a computer and manipulating electronic data. If convicted, she could face a prison term of up to five years or a fine up to $5,000.
The man who was attacked with sulphuric acid for engaging in a relationship with a married woman he met online
25-year-old Awais Akram was left severely disfigured after he was targeted in revenge for his liaison with businesswoman Sadia Khatoon, whom he met on Facebook. When her husband and family found out, they got Ms Khatoon, 24, to lure the victim out of his flat, where concentrated sulphuric acid was poured over his head. He was left with 47 percent burns. The woman's brother, Mohammed Vakas, later admitted pouring the acid on Mr Akram, during a taped police van conversation with cousin and fellow conspirator Mohammed Adeel. During the attack, the men received instructions from Ms Khatoon's husband Abassi, who was in a hotel room near Heathrow with his wife. She was on the phone with the unsuspecting victim who was telling her his whereabouts. The attackers are now facing a life sentence.
The man who stabbed his estranged wife to death after she changed her Facebook status to 'single'
A father stabbed his estranged wife to death in a 'frenzied attack' after discovering she had changed her Facebook status to 'single'.
She also suffered puncture wounds to her liver and a slashed aorta. The couple had separated three weeks before the murder after arguments about the amount of money being spent on cocaine and the father-of-two Richardson's refusal to have children with Sarah.
The man who killed his wife of 35 years with guinea pig ornament over a Facebook love rival
Joseph Richardson murdered his wife of 35 years after learning that she was going to leave him for another man. He killed Janette by stabbing her and hitting her with a guinea pig ornament. Mrs Richardson had earlier told him she wanted to leave him for an old friend she had got in touch with through Facebook. He had phoned his wife's friend, Graham Walker, in England, on the day of the murder and told him: 'You are going to feel like I feel in a couple of hours' time.'
Mr Walker was said to have been distressed by the call and contacted the Richardsons' eldest daughter, Joanne Greenhill.
Richardson had fetched two fishing knives from the garage and took the pig from his younger daughter's bedroom. During a row with his wife about her meeting wit
h Mr Walker, she went to walk away and he hit her four or five times with the ornament. The Richardsons married in 1974 but the court heard that by last year, there were 'significant marital problems'. Mrs Richardson, who worked as a nurse in a residential home, was unhappy in the relationship and had indicated she intended to leave. She had made contact with Mr Walker and they kept in touch by calls, texts, Facebook and, on occasion, meetings.
The couple who got divorce after the husband was caught banging virtual prostitute in Second Life
A British couple who married in a lavish Second Life wedding ceremony is getting divorced after one of them had an alleged "affair" in the online world.
Amy Taylor, 28, caught husband David Pollard, 40, having sex with an animated prostitute. The couple, who met in an Internet chatroom in 2003, are now separated.
Second Life allows users to create alter egos known as "avatars" and interact with other players, forming relationships, holding down jobs and trading products and services for a virtual currency convertible into real life dollars. The couple's real-life wedding in 2005 was eclipsed by a fairy tale ceremony held within Second Life. But Taylor had subsequently hired an online private detective to track his activities: "He never did anything in real life, but I had my suspicions about what he was doing in Second Life.
" Pollard admitted having an online relationship with a "girl in America" but denied wrongdoing. "We weren't even having cyber sex or anything like that, we were just chatting and hanging out together." Taylor is now in a new relationship with a man she met in the online roleplaying game World of Warcraft.
The wife who found pictures of her husband's wedding to another woman at Facebook
Lynn France, a wife who suspected her husband was having an affair, found he was actually married
One imageto another woman through a simple Facebook search. All she had to do was type in the name of the woman she believed her husband, John, was seeing.
The pair had been married at Disney World, no less, with France's husband dressed as Prince Charming, and his new bride as Sleeping Beauty. There was like an album of 200 pictures there. Their whole wedding. She had grown suspicious when her husband began taking frequent business trips, even leaving the day the couple's newborn son came home from the hospital.
Once, she found his passport at home when he was supposed to be in China for business. She once caught her husband with another woman in a hotel so a girlfriend recommended checking the woman's Facebook page, where France found further evidence of the relationship and confronted her husband once more.
She claims he promised he would not go through with the wedding – but it wasn't until she saw that he had, that she finally began divorce proceedings. Her husband took her children and left her without an explanation. She has not seen her sons since, who are now living with their father and his new wife in Florida. Ironically, the only glimpses of her sons now come from the Facebook page where she found his new wedding pictures.