The thrill of shoplifting can trigger all manner of bodily ticks. In Florida, for instance, Brooke Amber Sutton, 27, allegedly left behind a puddle of urine when she made off with more than $2,100 in designer clothes.
An employee at the Ann Taylor store at Silver Sands Premium Outlets in Miramar Beach, claims Sutton also left behind her cell phone.
Sutton's been charged with theft, it having been argued that the only thing shed didn't take was the piss, which she left behind.
Evergreen State College police says Mr Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop, 34, assaulted one of their number. Mr Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop has been charged with first-degree assault (two counts), third-degree assault, third-degree malicious mischief and malicious harassment.
On Feb. 16, Mr Jeffrey Drew Wilschke – that being Mr Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop's former name – will appear in court.
Jeff says he legally changed his name to Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop in 2011.
In 2012, Mr Zopittybop-bop-bop was arrested on marijuana and weapon charges in Wisconsin. He was also arrested in 2013 on drug charges in Iowa.

Man has sex with 450 tractors, says Hugh Dunnit
When police found Ralph Bishop, 53, he had his trousers around his ankles and was "interfering" with a tractor parked in a field outside Saxmundham, Suffolk. Well so says the Suffolk Gazette's "Hugh Dunnit".
The story says that when questioned, the man admitted to having had sex with around 450 tractors all over the Suffolk countryside. Officers searched his home. They found a stash of more than 5,000 tractor images on his laptop. He appeared to favour John Deere and Massey Ferguson tractors, particularly green ones.
A police officer tells Hugh Dunnit:
"We couldn't believe it when we found him in the field. He was wearing a white t-shirt and Wellington boots and very little else. He was clearly in state of high excitement at the rear of the machine. Thankfully nobody else was around, but the field is close to a village primary school so we had to arrest him and educate him about the error of his ways. He told us he was particularly 'in to' axle grease and the presence of this around the back of tractors was all too much for him."
Fuel thieves drink poo after mistaking bus toilet outlet outlet for petrol tank!!
To Western Australia where fuel bandits are licking koalas and doing anything they can to get that taste of raw sewage out of their mouths. The thieves had tried to suck fuel from a parked bus. But they opened the waste tank instead of the one containing fuel.
Ooops! Or rather, Poops!
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