Thursday, April 28, 2016

Full-time job available at Milford, Auckland

28-4-2016:  One of my client is looking a worker based in Milford.?Just want you guys to have a head up! See picture for details! Cheers! 

#jobsavailable, #milfordjobs, #baristaneeded, #northsorejobs, #iphone6S, #aucklandiphonerepair, #drmobileslimired, #0800429429

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Skippy and Rusty Lim at home April, 2016, #rustylim, #skippylim, #aucklanddoggies

Monday, 25-4-2016:  A sunny and windy to much around with our family pets, our darling doggies.
Skippy Lim a Jack Russell cross Fox Terrior; he joined our family since 2005!

Rusty Lim, a purebred Toy Poodle is three years old now.

These two doggies spend a lot of time eating and playing.

ANZ Day 25-4-2016: Auckland, New Zealand

 It was a sunny Mobday for ANZ &yesterday. Have the chance to spend more time with the family and do the things I like to relax my mind a bit!