The first one to unlock iPhone 3G/3Gs with firmware 3.1.3 was George Hotz, the same who had made the same operations on the iPhone in 2007, which preceded the now legendary Dev Team.
Bellow we will offer you to safe solutions to unlock iPhone 3G/3Gs/3.1.3, one from Geohot and one from Dev Team. All the necessary software’s can be found on our website.
Let go first step by step, with Geohot procedure proposed, which consists of only 7 stages:
Step 1: Download purplera1n for Windows, and make sure you have installed iTunes 8.2.
Step 2: Run the purplera1n if you’re on Vista, make sure you run it with “Windows XP Compatibility” turned on, from “Properties” tab.
Step 3: Make sure that iTunes 8.2 is running.
Step 4: Click “make ra1n”
Step 5: Let the application do its job, waiting for the automatic restart apparatus;
Step 6: You should now have “Freeze” in the list of applications. Run “Freeze”, Cydia and download the applications.
Step 7: Reboot your iPhone 3G. Voila! You should now be fully unlocked and correctly executed jailbreak’s iPhone 3G, to use applications not available in the App Store, bypassing the distribution mechanism of Apple.
The DevTeam is very brisk and this is the note that accompanies the new ultrasn0w for the release of iPhone 3.1.3 3G:
1. Ensure You Have upgraded to iPhone OS 3.1.3
2. Jailbreak your iPhone 3G using redsn0w or PwnageTool (Also this will install Cydia / Icy)
3. Run Cydia or Icy
4. Please add the repo to cydia or icy repo666.ultrasn0w.com
5. Search for ‘ultrasn0w’ in icy or cydia and install ultrasn0w
6. Reboot your iPhone 3G
7. T-Mobile USA 3G users should disable before using ultrasn0w
8. Enjoy
Summary everything in a nutshell, after applying the jailbreak with the new redsn0w ultrasn0w you can install from Cydia repo indicated. A quick reboot and a “3G iPhone External 3.1.3 will be able to work with any sim card.
I remember that all this procedure is intended for holders of “old” iPhone 3G and the latest 3G iPhone. Having just come out, I invite interested parties to ultrasn0w to wait another few days to read the feedback from early adopters. http://alturl.com/hhga