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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Is a Virus? #Covid19Virus, #CoronaVirustips, #Covid19nz, #lnzlockdown

What Is a Virus?
A computer illustration of coronavirus particles.
A virus is genetic material contained within an organic particle that invades living cells and uses their host's metabolic processes to produce a new generation of viral particles.

The way they do this varies. Some insert their genetic material into the host's DNA, where it can sit in wait until it's translated at a later date. As the host cell replicates itself, it can make new viruses.

Viruses can also burst their host cell as they expand in numbers, in what's called a lytic cycle of reproduction.

How big are viruses?
The word virus comes from a Latin word describing poisonous liquids. This is because early forms of isolating and imaging microbes couldn't capture such tiny particles.

Virus sizes vary from the extremely minuscule - 17 nanometre wide Porcine Circovirus, for example - to monsters that challenge the very definition of 'virus', such as the 2.3 micrometre Tupanvirus.

Similarly, they come in a range of complexities, containing different proteins or surrounded by an array of shells and envelopes to assist in their infection and reproduction of just about every species across every kingdom of life.

Viruses can be encoded in a variety of ways. Rotaviruses are based on a double strand of RNA, for example. Coronaviruses have a single strand of RNA, which is 'positive sense', as in it can be translated directly into new proteins. Influenza has negative sense RNA, meaning it needs an extra transcribing step before it can make proteins.

Smallpox and herpes viruses are examples of DNA viruses, which force the host to transcribe its genome into RNA on entry.

Sizes of these genomes also vary. Some of the largest can be over a million base pairs long. On the other hand, an RNA virus that infects bacteria, called MS2, has barely 3,500 base pairs.

It's impossible to know with certainty just how many types of viruses exist in the natural world, with numbers climbing as researchers use new tools to search for classified and unknown genetic signatures in the soil, oceans, and even the skies. Rough estimates suggest there could be as many as 100 million types of virus on Earth's surface.

Are viruses alive?
This is a question scientists continue to discuss as definitions of life and ecology change. Current thinking suggests viruses should be considered part of a complex living system, one that extends between all organisms.

'Virions' are the inactive particles that move through the environment, which we don't tend to think of as alive. Only once they're part of a cell do viruses take on living characteristics of their own, borrowing the host's biochemistry to reproduce.

As such, it's more accurate to think of viruses as part of the continuum between chemistry and biology, one that isn't clearly divided

什么是病毒 病毒是一种包含在有机颗粒中的遗传物质,该颗粒会侵入活细胞并利用其宿主的代谢过程产生新一代病毒颗粒。

病毒的大小从极小的微粒(例如17纳米宽的猪圆环病毒)到挑战“病毒”定义的怪物,例如2.3微米的Tupanvirus。into living and non-living.







Wednesday, May 2, 2018

BBC News: Sir Roger Moore, James Bond actor, dies aged 89. Movies, 007, British Actor

2nd February, 2018:  Actor Sir Roger Moore, best known for playing James Bond, has died aged 89, his family has announced.

He played the famous spy in seven Bond films including Live and Let Die and A View to a Kill.

Sir Roger's family confirmed the news on Twitter, saying he had died after "a short but brave battle with cancer".

The statement, from his children, read: "Thank you Pops for being you, and being so very special to so many people."

"With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are all devastated," they said in a Twitter post.

Read the full news here...

#rogermoore, #jamesbond007, #jamesbondmovies, #aviewtoakill, #davidinauckland