Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Down with winter flu, a rather bad case! Auckland, New Zealand

I was not feeling well two days ago and the flu set it. Took Panadol but there were not improvement and the flu get worst since last night. Visited Dr. Leong's clinic for treatment.
Then went to the pharmacy to get the prescribed medications. The doctor told me to take the rest of the week off and start working only next Monday. Luckily it is not the H1N1 flue (swine flu), which proved to be deadly.

Before going home, went to Three Kings Auto to pay for the Mitsubishi's two new front tires (NZ$172). Tomorrow, I have to collect my Nissan March from Total Vehicle, Newmarket; repalce new drive shaft, $441 is due!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Book and paid for return trip ticket for the family's holiday.

We have booked and paid for the family's holiday. It is a bit scary to pay such an amount via online payment over the airline's website and this is the first time we did it. Usually we are used to visit our travel agent and let them handle the booking and make payemnt at their office.

The airline sent an email to confirm the booking, travel details, passenger info within hours after payment being made online. All we have to do is print out that email, bring it to the Auckland Airport before checking in to get the boarding pass. We will be away for about five weeks from New Zealand for the vacation.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One Stop Free User Guide Download - David Lim, Auckland, New Zealand

Hunt no more, I found this site that has heaps of free user guides for download and does not cost you a cent! Enjoy!

This site is located at

Download Free PDF Manual Ebooks - David Lim, Auckland

You can get user manual in PDF format from this site. It covers mobile phone, PDA, digital SLR user manual and it is free to download!

The link is located at