On Monday it was reported that after the death of Kim Jong-il's "Supreme Leader" of North Korea would be his youngest son, Kim Jong-un - a figure almost unknown as a world community and the citizens of North Korea. Western journalists on particles collected a dossier on the new head of the most closed countries in the world.
Three years ago, even members of the North Korean government does not know how to name his youngest son Kim Jong-il's. Officials believed that the "prince" named Kim Jong-Vorn, listening, as addressed to the young man worked as cook at the North Korean government of Japan Kenji Fujimoto. He was preparing the country's leaders favorite seafood dishes.

The future supreme leader was presented to the Government of the DPRK in 2010 alone, suddenly received the title of "four-star" general, and a high position in the North Korean Workers' Party. Only when it became clear that Kim Jong-il's, a young man brings to his successor. Prior to this content with the approximate dictator only fragmentary rumors about the "young general" who gave them cook. He developed a special course for young sporting power, so rarely talked with him face to face.According to Kenji Fujimoto, Kim Jong-Un around trying to be like his father and spoke to the servants with ill-concealed contempt.The exact age of Kim Jong-un unknown, according to some sources, he was born in 1983, on the other - in 1984. As reported by international media, he studied in Switzerland and is fluent in English and German, but the precise confirmation of this information is not available. It is rumored that the young man was trained incognito, under the strict supervision of the North Korean ambassador in Bern. Classmates were told that a young man named Ung Park and he is the son of a diplomat. It is also reported that the "supreme leader" is fond of computers and basketball. Kim Jong-un's Mother, according to some, was the second wife of former North Korean leader dancer Ko Yong-hee, who died in 2004 under mysterious circumstances (some media reported that it broke in a car accident). 
Saccess in school, Kim Jong-un could not boast. His best friend was the son of a Portuguese diplomat. As a young man told the British edition, Kim Jong-un could not pass a single exam at the Berne School, with all his free time basketball and football - youth idol was Michael Jordan. Next "supreme leader" of North Korea is not interested in girls, and never went to college parties. Also, Kim Jong-un avoids participate in discussions about democracy and freedom of speech, which led his friends.When the period of his education came to an end, the boy confessed to his Portuguese friend that Ung Park - is it a fake name, and in fact he is the son of the dictator DPRK. More young people have never seen.Many experts say that Kim Jong-un was chosen by his father as his successor as "the lesser evil." The eldest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong We discredited in the eyes of his father that in 2001, tried on a false passport to visit the "Disneyland" in Tokyo. A second son, Kim Jong Chol dictator suffers from an excess of female hormones. For this reason, Kim Jong Il saw that he does not match the image of this man. This post sponsored by:
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