Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Top 10 World's Important Events 2011 (world, news, report, people, culture, history, humanity)

Present to you a list of the most important, in my view, the events took place in 2011, which for me made ​​a lasting impression.

1. The most shocking event in 2011 will remain in my memory as the announcement of the close cooperation with Nokia and Microsoft. The format of this cooperation is shocking. In fact, Nokia refused to own Symbian operating system and the development of a promising OS Maemo (MeGo), in favor of a single Windows Phone 7, the prospects that a dense fog. I believed until recently that Nokia will make your device running Android, but no, Nokia have decided to make the biggest mistake in their history.

2. Second place avert disaster, which had a strong impact on the electronics market. In the first half of 2011 hit by the tsunami in Japan, has caused hardship for many industrial companies. But this nature is not stopped in the second half of 2011 in Taiwan hit a flood, which resulted in a shortage of hard drives and almost instantaneous increase in their prices. The impact of this flood are still being felt.

3. Third place is deservedly give the company Nvidia, which this year has surprised the world with a platform for handheld devices - Tegra 3, a quad-processor operating with a frequency of 1.3 GHz per core. And already a month sold the first device on the platform - ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime.

4. A lasting impression in 2011 left the company Motorola, perhaps, which showed how the world might look like in the near future, presenting Motorola Laptop Dock - docking a laptop for a smartphone, the latter revives the dock, transforming it into the laptop.

5. On the fifth place is the company to Google, which in 2011 introduced the first version of the operating system Android - 3.0, sharpened only under Tablet PCs. It seems to me, the development of the OS for tablets was carried out in record time, that is very fast.

6. On the sixth place - the announcement of the touchscreen, which does not have to touch it. Presents display by Fogale company at the exhibition CeBIT.

7. Another impressionable announcement in 2011, boasts a French company WYSIPS, showed a prototype solar cell sticking to your mobile phone screen.

8. The indelible impression left in 2011, Samsung Galaxy Note, a device that can seriously be called a smartphone, but the tablet can not say. Galaxy Note this is probably the very middle way between a smartphone and tablet.

9. In 2011, the beauty of the gloss was possible to do directly on the tablet, thanks to Adobe company, which has released Photoshop Remote, you can work with Photoshop directly on the tablet.

10. Well, to finish our wonderful charts a successful attack  Apple  vs  Samsung  Company, which was a few months to prohibit the sale of a new tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Europe and Australia.

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Vertu Launches Signature Dragon Collection Phone at $26,800 each

Available in stainless steel emerald, ruby and yellow gold diamond. With Chinese New Year just three weeks away, Vertu celebrates the arrival of Year of the Dragon with the launch of their limited edition Signature Dragon Collection. 

This limited edition series will feature a four-claw dragon, which is a 20-stage process and takes 1.5 days to complete. More than four highly-skilled craftsmen are needed to craft the dragon on a single phone, taking a minimum of eight hours of hand-engraving ijust for the scales on the dragon’s body. 

Available in stainless steel emerald, black stainless steel ruby and yellow gold diamond, the collection will feature the key design element of the four-claw dragon in silver or yellow gold on the handset’s battery cover and will also showcase the Chinese Dragon character in silver or yellow gold colour ink. 

Each yellow gold dragon has to be shipped to Switzerland to receive the 725 hallmark in the Assay Office, before it is returned to the jewellery workshop. After which, each phone is further enhanced with precious stones to add a luxurious touch to this limited collection.
In Singapore itself, 3 sets of the limited edition Signature Dragon Black PVD Stainless Steel Ruby range are available, priced at S$26,800 each.

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2012: Micro Projector with an additional battery for Apple iPhone 4, 4S (network, repair, unlock, iOS, Android, google, Auckland)

Sanwa Supply Specialists develops microprojector 400-PRJ011, designed for smartphones and iPhone 4 iPhone 4S. Device has a battery capacity of 2100 mAh, which is enough for two and a half hours of work, and on its charge takes about five hours. 

When the micro-projector is turned off, it can be used to charge the device. In this way, the battery can be recharged fully iPhone. The projector can display an image with a resolution of 640x360 pixels, 1000:1 contrast ratio and up to 65 inches. Novelty is equipped with built-in speakers and weighs 100 g.

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Scientists: What you feel when you die? (near, death, experience, life, secret, experience, birth)

What a man feels when he died? When you realize that it leaves the mind? Whether there will be something unexpected in the moment when our lives come to an end? These questions plagued philosophers and scientists over the centuries but the topic continues to excite the death of every person and to this day.|

Death comes in various guises, but one way or another, this is usually an acute shortage of oxygen in the brain. Do people die of a heart attack, drowning or suffocation, ultimately, the reason for this - an acute shortage of oxygen in the brain.
If the flow of newly oxygenated blood to the head is stopped by any mechanism, a man about 10 seconds, losing consciousness. Death occurs within a few minutes. How exactly - it depends on the circumstances.

The Drowning

How fast people drown, is determined by several factors, including the ability to swim and water temperature. In the UK, where the water is cold, 55 percent of cases of drowning in open water is within 3 meters from the shore. Two-thirds of the victims - good swimmers. But a person can get into difficulties within seconds, says Mike Tipton, a physiologist and an expert from the University of Portsmouth in England.

As a rule, when the victim realizes that soon will disappear under water, and the panic starts thrashing on the surface. Fighting for the opportunity to breathe, they can not call for help. This stage lasts from 20 to 60 seconds.

When the victim eventually sink, they do not breathe as long as possible, typically 30 to 90 seconds. After that, they inhale some water, a person coughs and breathes more. The water in the lungs blocks gas exchange in thin tissues, there is a sudden involuntary contraction of muscles of larynx - a reflex called a laryngospasm. There is a feeling of tearing and burning in his chest, as the water passes through the airways. Then comes a sense of calm, which indicates the beginning of loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen, which ultimately lead to cardiac arrest and brain death.

Heart attack

The Hollywood heart attack - a sudden pain in his heart and an immediate drop, of course, happens in a few cases. But the typical myocardial infarction develops slowly, and begins with a mild discomfort.
The most common symptom - pain in the chest, which may be prolonged or appear and disappear. So the struggle of the heart muscle is shown for life and her death from deprivation of oxygen. The pain may be given to the jaw, neck, back, stomach and arms. Other symptoms: shortness of breath, nausea and cold sweats.

Most victims are in no hurry to ask for help, waiting an average of 2 to 6 hours. With women more difficult, as they often experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, smack in the jaw pain or nausea, and do not react to them. Procrastination can cost lives. Most people who die from heart attacks, just not got to the hospital. Often the actual cause of death - heart arrhythmia.

After about ten seconds after stopping the heart muscle a person loses consciousness, and a minute later he was dead. Hospitals with a defibrillator makes the heart beat, makes clearing the artery and injected drugs, that brings back to life.


How soon will come death from bleeding, depending on injuries, said John Kortbik the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. People can die from blood loss for a few seconds if the aorta ruptured. This is the main blood vessel leading from the heart. The reasons are a serious fall or car accident.

Death can occur within hours if the damaged artery or other Vienna. In this case, people would have gone a few steps. The average adult has 5 liters of blood. The loss of one and a half liters of a feeling of weakness, thirst, anxiety and shortness of breath, and two - dizziness, confusion, a man falls into unconsciousness.

Death by fire

Hot smoke and flames scorch his eyebrows and hair and burn the throat and respiratory tract, making it impossible to breathe. Burns inflict intense pain through stimulation of the nerves of pain in the skin.
When the burn area increases, the sensitivity is somewhat reduced, but not completely. Third-degree burns do not hurt as much as second-degree wounds, as superficial nerves are destroyed. Some victims with severe burns reported that felt no pain while they were still in danger or involved in rescue of others. As soon as the adrenalin and shock gradually pass, quickly there is pain.

Most people who die in fires actually die from carbon monoxide poisoning with poisonous gases and oxygen deficiency. Someone just does not wake up.
The rate of occurrence of headache and drowsiness, unconsciousness depends on the size of fire and carbon monoxide concentration in the air.


Execution - one of the fastest and least painful way to die, if the executioner - skilled, his blade sharp and condemned sits still.
The most advanced technology decapitation - the guillotine. Officially adopted by the French government in 1792, she was recognized as a more humane than other methods of killing themselves.

Maybe it's really fast. But consciousness is not lost immediately after spinal cord severed. The study on rats in 1991 showed that the brain is still alive 2.7 seconds due to the consumption of oxygen from the blood in the head; for an equivalent number of people roughly equal to seven seconds. If a person fails falls under the guillotine, while feeling the pain may be increased. In 1541 an inexperienced man made a gash in his shoulder, not neck Margaret Paul, Countess of Salisbury. According to some reports, she leapt from the place of execution, and pursued the executioner, who struck her 11 times before she died.

Death by electric current

The most common cause of death from electric current - fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest. Unconsciousness usually follows after 10 seconds, says Richard Trohman, a cardiologist at the University of Chicago in Onslaught. Investigation of deaths from electric current in Montreal, Canada showed that 92 percent died of arrhythmia.
If the voltage is high, then unconsciousness comes almost immediately. The electric chair was supposed to cause immediate loss of consciousness and painless death due to current flow through the brain and heart.

Whether this is indeed the case, a moot point. John Viksvo, a biophysicist at the University of Nashville, Tennessee, says that the thick, insulating bones of the skull would prevent sufficient current flow through the brain, and the prisoners to die from the heat of the brain, or from suffocation due to paralysis of respiratory muscles.

Drops from the height

This is one of the fastest ways to die: the speed limit - about 200 kilometers per hour, achieved a fall from a height of 145 meters and above. The study of fatal crashes in Hamburg, Germany, found that 75 percent of the victims died within the first seconds or minutes after landing.

Causes of death depends on the place of landing and the human condition. People are unlikely to reach the hospital alive if they fall upside down. In 1981, analyzed 100 fatal jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It has a height of 75 meters, velocity in a collision with water at 120 kilometers per hour. These are the two main causes instant death. As a result of the fall - a massive contusion of the lung, cardiac rupture or damage to major blood vessels of the lungs and broken ribs. Landing on his feet greatly reduces injuries and save lives.


The method of suicide, and old-fashioned method of execution - death by asphyxiation; rope puts pressure on the trachea and the artery leading to the brain. It can be observed in unconsciousness within 10 seconds, but it will take more time, if the loop is wrong. Witnesses of public hangings often reported victims "dancing" in pain in the loop for a few minutes! In some cases - after 15 minutes.

In England in 1868 adopted the method of "long drop", providing a long rope. The victim reached during the hanging of speed, breaking her neck.

Lethal injection

Lethal injection was designed in Oklahoma in 1977 as a humane alternative to the electric chair. The state medical examiner and chairman of the anesthesiologist agreed to the introduction of the three drugs almost immediately. First introduced anesthetic thiopental to avoid any feelings of pain, then - the paralytic agent pantsuronium to stop breathing. Finally, potassium chloride stops the heart almost immediately.

Each drug is supposed to be injected into lethal dose, the excess to ensure a quick and humane death. However, witnesses reported convulsions and try to convict sit during the procedure, that is, the administration of drugs does not always produce the desired result.

Explosive decompression

Death due to vacuum exposure occurs when the vestibule depressurization or break a suit.
When the external air pressure suddenly drops, the air in the lungs expands, tearing the delicate tissues involved in gas exchange. The situation is aggravated if the victim would forget to breathe decompression or tries to hold his breath. Oxygen begins to leave the blood and lungs.

Experiments on dogs in the 1950s showed that 30 to 40 seconds after the pressure drop their bodies began to swell, although the skin prevents "tearing". First, the heartbeat quickens, then sharply decreases. Bubbles of water vapor formed in the blood and travel through the entire circulatory system, hampering the flow of blood. A minute later the blood ceases to effectively participate in gas exchange.

People who survived after decompression accidents - mostly pilots, whose aircraft depressurize. They talked about sharp chest pain and an inability to breathe. After about 15 seconds, they lost consciousness. 

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