Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Famous Preacher Scandals (us, usa, news, religion, preachers, child, abuse, Auckland)

Famous Preacher Scandals SS
Famous Preacher Scandals SS. America's most famous Preacher Scandals evangelist across a career that lasted some six decades, the prospect of old age and death was for a long time something he tried not to think about, despite his convictions about the eternity that awaits human beings.
Bishop Eddie Long
When accusations surfaced: September 2010
The latest: The wife of Eddie Long, the pastor of an Atlanta megachurch, on Friday announced and later retracted her plans to divorce her husband, who in May settled with four men who accused him of sexual misconduct. We take a look back at a televangelist, a priest and others whose improprieties or crimes prove that members of the clergy are human, too.
George Alan Rekers

When accusations surfaced: July 2010

The scandal: George Alan Rekes, a Baptist minister and anti-gay activist who opposes certain adoptions in Florida, was caught in the summer of 2010 returning from a trip to Europe with a male escort he allegedly "rented" from a website. How did the married preacher explain his vacation on Facebook?
Tony Alamo
When accusations surfaced: 2008
The scandal: The cult leader of an eponymous ministry group in Arkansas received a stiff punishment in 2010 after being convicted of several crimes against minor girls, including violating this law.
Father Alberto R. Cutié
When the scandal surfaced: 2009
The scandal: The Roman Catholic priest, author and TV host made headlines when photos of him with a woman were published in 2009 by a tabloid. The beach snapshots cost the Miami Beach cleric his parish, but he gained the real love he wrote about.
Jamal Bryant
When the scandal surfaced: 2007
The scandal: This megachurch pastor was an empowering force in Baltimore, but his marital status and allegations of having a sexual relationship with an underage church member in 2007 has tarnished his image. The high school dropout, who says he ascended to academic heights, garnered praise from a magazine and made TV appearances.
Juanita Bynum & Thomas Weeks III
When the scandal surfaced: 2007
The scandal: Known for her gospel singing and her sermons and books about renouncing premarital sex, the prophetess had a fairy-tale wedding to an acclaimed preacher that turned into a nightmare when she accused him of this violent act in 2007. He pleaded guilty and was convicted. Now divorced, the evangelist is an advocate for this group and is married to another woman
Coy Privette
When the scandal surfaced: 2007
The scandal: Charges of soliciting the services of a "lady of the evening" led to the downfall of the retired Baptist minister and former North Carolina lawmaker. A vocal opponent of these issues, he quit his leadership post at a Christian group and later faced his day in court and after entering a guilty plea. What has his sentence?
Ted Haggard
When the scandal surfaced: 2006
The scandal: The former senior pastor lost his 14,000-member megachurch in 2006 after rumors of a relationship with a male prostitute. He later partially admitted guilt with a quasi-confession. A male church volunteer made an accusation against the preacher in 2009.
Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr.
When the scandal surfaced: 2003
The scandal: The former Lutheran minister of a church in Marshall, Texas, was sent to prison in 2003 after being convicted of charges of sexually assaulting boys. In 2004, abuse victims who filed lawsuits reached multi-million dollar settlements. How much total?
Father John J. Geoghan
When the scandal surfaced: 2003
The scandal: During his 30-year career in six parishes, the Massachusetts priest was accused of sexual abuse involving more than 100 children. With each accusation, he was moved to a new parish. While serving a prison sentence for molesting a boy, he was killed in 2003.
Paul Crouch
When the scandal surfaced: 1998
The scandal: The founder of this network was embroiled in scandal after reports that he paid a former male employee to end a certain type of lawsuit in 1998. Did Crouch admit to the alleged sexual encounter?
Jimmy Swaggart
When the scandal surfaced: 1988
The scandal: After this Assemblies of God televangelist exposed the sexual misdeeds of two fellow televangelists, the finger of accusation turned back onto him. When light was shed on his adulterous liaison with a prostitute, Swaggart made a public confession and stepped down from his pulpit in 1988. The preacher was caught in a compromising position three years later by California police.
Jim Bakker
When the scandal surfaced: 1987
The scandal: With his then-wife Tammy Faye Bakker, the former Assemblies of God minister hosted "The PTL Club" Christian TV program. A sex scandal with a church employee led to his resignation from the ministry in 1987 and the demise of his empire. But various financial crimes led to a long-term prison sentence, which was later voided and reduced.
Peter Popoff
When the scandal surfaced: 1986
The scandal: The self-proclaimed faith healer laid hands on believers at his worldwide revivals, saying that he had divine knowledge about the illnesses of his audience members. But two skeptics exposed how his wife fed him information about the attendees. Since filing for bankruptcy in the late 1980s, he has made several comebacks.
Bob Moorehead
When the scandal surfaced: 1970s
The scandal: Though denying allegations of sexual molestation of boys during the 1970s, the pastor stepped down from his non-denominational church in 1998 after 29 years of leadership.  The pastor, who vocally opposed homosexuality, was initially exonerated in the church probe, but the church later found evidence of guilt. Moorehead later was charged with a public sexual act in Florida but was exonerated.
Aimee Semple McPherson
When the scandal surfaced: 1926
The scandal: This early-20th-century itinerate evangelist began as a Pentecostal preacher's wife before going into the ministry herself after her husband died. She founded an evangelical Christian denomination and settled in Los Angeles, where she built a temple in 1923. Three years later, the dynamic preacher disappeared while swimming but reappeared in another state. Her story left police in doubt.
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Friday, April 17, 2009

The Force is strong for Jedi police! UK, England

Eight police officers serving with Scotland's largest force listed their official religion as Jedi in voluntary diversity forms, it has emerged.

Strathclyde Police said the officers and two of its civilian staff claimed to follow the faith, which features in the Star Wars movies.

The details were obtained in a Freedom of Information request by Jane's Police Review.
Strathclyde was the only force in the UK to admit it had Jedi officers.

In the Star Wars films, Jedi Knights such as Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda use the Force to battle the evil Darth Vader, who has strayed to the dark side.

Jane's Police Review editor Chris Herbert, who requested the information, said: "The Force appears to be strong in Strathclyde Police with their Jedi police officers and staff.

"Far from living a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, some members of the noble Jedi order have now chosen Glasgow and its surrounding streets as their home."

Provided voluntarily

A spokeswoman for Strathclyde Police confirmed: "At the time of the request, 10 (eight police officers and two police staff) had recorded their religion as Jedi."
She added that the force monitored "six strands of diversity" - age, disability, gender, race religion and belief, and sexual orientation.

The force said the information was provided voluntarily and securely stored.
About 390,000 people listed their religion as Jedi in the 2001 Census for England and Wales. In Scotland the figure was a reported 14,000.

The Office for National Statistics did not recognise it as a separate category, and incorporated followers of Jedi with the atheists.

Last year, brothers Barney and Daniel Jones founded the UK Church of the Jedi - which offered sermons on the Force, light sabre training, and meditation techniques.
Strathclyde Police employs 8,200 police officers and 2,800 civilian staff.