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Showing posts with label dcvidlim. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Can You Guess What Technology Will Look like in 5 Years? iOS, Apple, iPhone, Repair, unlock, insurance, claim, warranty

Our day to day life is full of technological things. From a small thing to a big, we always use technology and that is why it is developing day by day. New things are coming, olds are upgrading. So it is obvious that after few years, the look will be not same. So, let’s give your prediction little bit push on that and see how the world will look like in 2020.

Revised Nations of Ownership

Thinking of the things you use every day, there comes the picture of your smartphone, your computer desk and much more which you own. Those are your things. Nevertheless, you likely have to share all your things in the future. We all have seen a huge sharing in the society of economy. Today, it’s not like that you can only you stay in others home via Airbnb, but you can also you sail someone else’s boat using Sailo. Using someone’s private plane, snowboarding, etc these are just the example of those things you already are sharing these days. Big Players like Google, Apple and also Uber are improving and developing techs for the car which means you are driving your own can to your office but in five years you might drive to work in the car which you ordered or you can make an order for different model every day. The sharing system is much more efficient these days that the resources become active for 24/7, in the state of when you’re using them.

Mind Power

Once we used keyboards to control our things, then the voice recognition came into light. And now we have come to the point, where we might not even need to touch our devices. There will mind control technology, which will make you more involved in the technology. Although, scientists have already created a medicine which works with the brain. There is a new wireless transmitter which will help the paralyzed patients sop that they can easily control their TV, computers and other electronic devices that they couldn’t do by themselves. Not only that, they can also control their wheelchair too by their thoughts. In this field, some of the most effective rulers are Emotiv and BrainGate. Emotive is a Bioinformatics company who is using the EEG technology to develop the brain computers right now. And BrainGate, a researcher who is using to create the wireless transmitter for the paralyzed people.

Connected, But Simple

It’s the era of the Internet, everything we do we use the internet and all time and every time we are connected with this. Which means, from our car to our garden, we are connecting everything and anything, and it’s all about the sensors and meters. So in future we will be tracking, measuring thing more than we do now.
The Future is smarter than we think it is now. When you come home from work and went to your bathroom and you smart bathroom asks how was your day? Don’t you think it’s much better than guessing what is not enough in the bathroom, can you take your shower or not etc? So ultimately this will the ultimate future we are talking about and our devices will rely on our feedback.


Glocal is a localized version of the global trends. In future, it will be true as everything will be glocal. As an example of this is India.People of India are using the Uber app as they are always in the hurry to reach their destination but in a good price. So Uber app launched a service in Delhi, which is actually a rickshaw on demand service. People will pay for their rides in cash under government regulations. If the companies want, they also can go glocal for surviving.

Virtual Reality is The Reality

Now you can read newspapers using virtual reality and in five years from now, you will be able to experience everything via virtual reality. But the VR is changed now, or more wearing the bulky goggles. Say hello to the subtle technology that will put you in the plunge 3D VR environment with an unobstructed view surround.
Overall, there is no doubt that, 2020 will be much more exciting than we expect.

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