My mate email these pictures. The motto of the picture is that you don't care how people look at you, how you express yourself. Just dare to be yourself, show the world who you are exactly by your fashion statement!
Women may one day be able to delay the menopause, after a study showing that it is possible to prolong the working life of ovaries by transplanting female stem cells that develop into mature eggs.
The findings also raise the prospect of treating some female infertility where the ovaries do not produce eggs. The hope is that one day stem cell transplants could replenish the fresh eggs in infertile women.
The accepted dogma in reproductive biology was that female mammals are born with a finite lifetime store of about two million egg-producing follicles. In humans, this number has fallen to about 400,000 by puberty, and at menopause too few eggs remain to permit fertility.
Four years ago United States scientists showed it was possible to obtain stem cells from the ovaries of adult women and grow them into mature egg cells.
Now scientists in China have shown that it is possible to isolate stem cells from immature and mature ovaries of mice, store the cells in the laboratory, and transplant them into sterile females to enable them to give birth to healthy offspring.
Research by Professor Ji Wu and colleagues at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, showed that it is possible to separate special cells in mice ovaries that seem to function as stem cells for the female germ-line cells in the eggs. These cells have the potential to divide indefinitely and can be stored for years.
The scientists isolated female germ-line stem cells of newborn mice and adult females. They cultured them for up to 15 months and six months respectively before transplanting into sterile mice, which gave birth to healthy offspring.
Professor Azim Surani, of the Gurdon Institute at Cambridge University, said the results have important implications for women who do not produce mature eggs. It might be possible, he said, to isolate these stem cells from a woman earlier in life so that she could have children later.
StemEnhance® is a breakthrough, natural botanical extract that supports wellness by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market from the latest phytoceutical product category called stem cell enhancers.
What are stem cell enhancers? Recent scientific developments have revealed that stem cells derived from the bone marrow, travel throughout the body, and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Stem cell enhancers are products that support the natural role of adult stem cells.
Why do I need StemEnhance? As you age, the number and quality of stem cells that circulate in your body gradually decrease, leaving your body more susceptible to injury and other age-related health challenges.
Just as antioxidants are important to protect your cells from "free radical" damage, stem cell enhancers are equally important to support your stem cells in maintaining proper organ and tissue functioning in your body.
How does StemEnhance work?
StemEnhance is the StenTech Health Science Exclusive Product When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed. What are stem cells?
Stem cells can be thought of as "master" cells. You've probably heard about the controversy of embryonic stem cells in the news. Stem cells are found in human embryos, but are also found in adult tissue.
Adult stem cells are most abundantly found in bone marrow. Stem cells circulate and function to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.StemEnhance supports the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow into circulation.
The recent advances in stem cell research were listed as one of the most significant health-related stories in the past 25 years by CNN, second only to the complete mapping of the human genome.
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We've all heard the controversy over stem cell research and we all have our opinions. But, what if there wasn't anything controversial? What if there was a way to produce the results yet spare the sparring?As I type this, you'd better believe there are medical doctors, quacks, and government agencies scrambling to try to capitalize on what I'm about to share with you. But they won't be able to. It just won't happen.In fact, quietly stirring beneath the controversy, the world's first organic and patented stem cell enhancer is rising to the surface. With a single dose of StemEnhance, your body can begin to do what it does best at childhood, renew itself. Within on hour of taking one dose of StemEnhance, 3 to 4 million stem cells are added to your bloodstream. This means that the number of stem cells in your body increase by up to 30%.So as the medical field jockeys for position, (the leftovers?) this company...StemTECH Health Sciences. is quickly rising to the top of the Health and Wellness and the Network Marketing industries.Our Stem Cell Technology supports the NATURAL release of stem cells in your own bone marrow.
Christian Drapeau MSc Chief Science Officer of StemTech Health Sciences
Mr. Drapeau is an author, research scientist and neurophysiologist with over thirteen years of research experience in the fields of natural foods and nutrition. He has lectured on nutrition to over 30,000 people since 1994, presenting profound health information and insights with clarity and humor.
Mr.Drapeau has been the Director of Research at Desert Lake Technologies since 2000, pursuing scientific research in collaboration with various universities and research centers on the health benefits of certain botanical raw materials.
Based on research he produced, and information he researched from other various scientific teams, Mr. Drapeau and his collaborators recently proposed and published a breakthrough theory on adult stem cell physiology, and is the co-inventor of StemEnhance.
Mr. Drapeau received a bachelor's degree in Neurophysiology from McGill University, Montreal, in 1987 and a master's degree from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, in 1991.
The first human embryonic stem cells were grown in vitro, in a petri dish, in the mid 1990s. Rapidly, scientists were successful at growing them for many generations and to trigger their differentiation into virtually any kind of cells, i.e. brain cells, heart cells, liver cells, bone cells, pancreatic cells, etc.
When scientists tried growing adult stem cells, the endeavor was met with less success, as adult stem cells were difficult to grow in vitro for more than a few generations.
This led to the idea that embryonic stem cells have more potential than adult stem cells.And, there are ethical concerns linked to the use of embryonic stem cells.But recent developments over the past 2-3 years have established that adult stem cells have capabilities comparable to embryonic stem cells in the human body, not in the test tube.
Many studies have indicated that simply releasing stem cells from the bone marrow can help support the body's natural process for renewal of tissues and organs.
February 2006--James Sooy has developed a new pair of eyeglasses that mounts into the bridge of your nose, via piercing.Dubbed, "Pierced Glasses", they offer people who are already cool about body piercings with a practical use for their love of body art.He's working on bringing it to the consumer market. Read an interview with Sooy.You think pierced glasses are are too extreme? James perhaps summed it best...
I took the picture of the awsome tatoo of a lady at Henderson, Auckland. The three Chinese characters represent the first names of her three children. Click to see larger view of the body tatoo.
15 January, 2008, Machang, Kelantan, Malaysia--For two kilometres on Tuesday, Aminah @ Rosiah Putih drove without realising she was dragging the body of a woman under her car. It was raining heavily and visibility was low, so when Aminah saw something on the road, she thought it was a garbage bag.
She could not avoid the "garbage bag" and so ran over it.
When she reached home, she had difficulty getting her car into her driveway, so she alighted from the vehicle and was shocked to see a pair of legs sticking out from underneath her car.
District police chief Deputy Superintendent Shahurinaim Jais said the woman underneath the car was motorcyclist Zalina Musa, who had earlier been involved in an accident with a 12-year-old cyclist. He said Zalina crashed into the cyclist in Jalan Labok-Joh at 7.25am.
"The area was dark and the victim was riding without lights when she collided with SK Labok Year Six pupil Amin Shukran Atizi of Taman Ilmu, who was cycling against the flow of traffic.
"The boy fell on the grassy roadside and broke his right arm while Zalina lay sprawled on the road before Aminah's Proton Iswara ran over her," Shahurinaim said.
A post-mortem at the Machang Hospital determined that Zalina, a clerk at SK Pangkal Meleret, was killed in the initial accident when she hit her head on the road after falling off her motorcycle.