It is hard to understand the mind of a psychopath. And even harder to understand the motivations behind those who take the lives of others. Do they feel remorse for the actions they took? Do they regret it? Each case is different, but the famous last words really help paint a picture.
1. Peter Kurten AKA The Vampire of Dusseldorf.
Crime: Murder / Sexual Assault Victims: 9+ Method: Stabbing / Hammer Date of Execution: July 2nd, 1931 (age 48) Method of Execution: Decapitation by guillotine Famous Last Words: “Tell me. After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be a pleasure to end all pleasures.”
2. John Wayne Gacy Jr. AKA Killer Clown.
Crime: Murder Victims: 33 Method: Stabbing / Strangulation Date of Execution: May 10th, 1994 (age 52) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: "Kiss my ass"
3. Aileen Wuornos. Crime: Murder
Victims: 7 Method: Pretense as prostitute, rob, and shoot. Date of Execution: October 9th, 2002 (age 46) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: “I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the rock, and I’ll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus, June 6th. Like the movie, big mother ship and all. I’ll be back.”
4. James French.
'Crime: Murder Victims: 2 (killed his cellmate after arrest) Method: Killed a motorist after being picked up for hitchhiking / Strangulation Date of Execution: August 10th, 1966 (age 30) Method of Execution: Electrocution Famous Last Words: "How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'"
5. Robert Alton Harris.
'Crime: Murder Victims: 2 Method: Shooting Date of Execution: April 21st, 1992 (age 39) Method of Execution: Gas Chamber Famous Last Words: "You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the grim reaper."
'Crime: Murder Victims: 2 Method: Strangulation Date of Execution: March 20th, 1995 (age 32) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: “I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.”
7. Manuel Pina Babbit AKA Manny (US Marine Vet).
'Crime: Murder / Burglary / Sexual Assault Victims: 1 Method: Unknown Date of Execution: May 4th, 1999 (age 50) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Tidbit: Received the Purple Heart while on death row for prior injuries in the Vietnam war Famous Last Words: "I forgive you all"
8. Barbara Graham.
'Crime: Murder Victims: 1 Method: Pistol-whip / Suffocation Date of Execution: June 3rd, 1955 (age 31) Method of Execution: Gas Chamber Famous Last Words: "Good people are always so sure they're right."
9. Edward Kelly AKA Ned.
'Crime: Murder Victims: 6 Method: Shooting Date of Execution: November 11th, 1880 (age 25) Method of Execution: Hanging Famous Last Words: "Such is life."
10. Amelia Dyer.
'Crime: Murder Victims: 6 confirmed, 400+ attributed (children) Method: Strangulation Date of Execution: June 10th 1896 (age 58) Method of Execution: Hanging Famous Last Words: “I have nothing to say.”
11. William Bonin AKA The Freeway Killer.
'Crime: Murder / Sodomy / Mayhem Victims: 21 - 36+ Method: Strangulation Date of Execution: February 23rd, 1996 (age 49) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: "I would suggest that when a person has a thought of doing anything serious against the law, that before they did that they should go to a quiet place and think about it seriously."
12. Peter Manuel AKA The Beast of Birkenshaw.
'Crime: Murder / Rape Victims: 7-9 Method: Shooting Date of Execution: July 11th, 1958 (age 31) Method of Execution: Hanging Famous Last Words: "Turn up the radio and I'll go quietly"
13. Dr. Marcel Petiot.
'Crime: Murder / Robbery Victims: 27 + (Jews during WWII) Method: Poison (promised safe passage for Jews) Date of Execution: May 25th, 1946 (age 49) Method of Execution: Decapitation by guillotine Famous Last Words: "Gentleman, I have one last piece of advise: Look away. This will not be pretty to see."
14. Gary Burris.
'Crime: Murder / Robbery Victims: 1 Method: Shooting Date of Execution: November 20th, 1997 (age 40) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: "Beam me up"
15. Mario Benjamin Murphy.
'Crime: Murder for Hire Victims: 1 Method: Steel Pipe / Stabbing Date of Execution: September 17th, 1997 (age 25) Method of Execution: Lethal Injection Famous Last Words: “Today is a good day to die. I forgive all of you. I hope God does too.”
A Hobart man who twice served time for killing animals now will spend nearly three years in federal prison for downloading images of people having sex with animals. Michael Bessigano likely will serve his sentence in a Boston-area facility for male offenders with mental problems.
U.S. Judge Philip Simon on Tuesday sentenced Bessigano to 33 months in prison and three years of supervised release, a term at the low end of federal guidelines. Simon two weeks ago threw out a plea agreement that would have seen Bessigano serve only 24 months, stating that Bessigano’s history did not seem to make him a candidate for a below-guidelines sentence.
So, in other words the judge didn’t want him to get a too-lenient sentence, just a lenient sentence. Peachy. That’s sure looking out for the people of Northwest Indiana.
Simon has asked the federal bureau of prisons to place Bessigano at Federal Medical Center Devens, and also that Bessigano participate in therapy for sex offenders.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Bernard Van Wormer said the sentence was appropriate for Bessigano, who served time prison for killing a neighbor’s rottweiler in St. John Township in 1993, and was jailed again in 2001 for killing a chicken, and having sex with it. Bessigano was arrested in June 2008 after federal agents found images of bestiality on his computer hard drive after Bessigano’s state parole officers requested a search.