Wednesday, January 18, 2012

UFOs activity Orbiting the Sun, the 12.24.2011 (video)

December 24, there was a large concentration unidentified objects on the Sun, the Sun's surface, as well as, group maneuvering UFOs of various shapes and sizes. The same place docking of large and small UFOs. 

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iPhone 6

Concept phone in an aluminum housing with a solar battery. This year came the iPhone 4 and only a few know how it will look next model iPhone 5. Designer Archil Vardidze went ahead and tried to imagine that the will be a iPhone 6, which was released in 2012.

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SpareOne: a cellphone With a 15-Year Standby Time

Powerskin and Energizer  Companies  have created a unique phone SpareOne, which can operate in standalone mode as much as 15 years. New device was announced at CES 2012.

For a long time, the phone offers a AA size battery. True, talk new operating only 10 hours, which, in general, no bad.

SpareOne made ​​in the form of the classical candy bar and is intended solely for the calls. With it, you can also locate through Cell ID. New device useful as a backup phone. It can always carry with them and not worry about recharging, when the need to make an urgent call, the phone will always be ready to go.
SpareOne will be available in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2012 for $ 50. He later appears in Europe and Asia.

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Expert claims that Somali Pirates are Raises the country's economy (strange, world, news, report)

Illegal activities of Somali pirates has a positive effect on economic development of regional centers of the state, said officials of the Royal British Institute of International Relations.

After exploring the imagery of the 2000 African country and neighboring areas, the analysts concluded that the most benefit from the activities of pirates who seize vessels in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, are the regional centers.

In the coastal villages of this money is much less. For example, night photographs showed that in these regional centers, Somalia, Garowe, Bossaso and located in the semi-autonomous Puntland region, electricity consumption has increased significantly, indicating that economic growth in the region.

Furthermore, analysis of daily images showed that from 2002 to 2009 in Garowe area has almost doubled.
Substantial progress has been observed in the development of city infrastructure, industrial and commercial area. In provincial areas, and also places of residence of the pirates themselves, such as cities and Isle Hobio, improvements were relatively small.

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